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“I don’t think I’ve ever spent so much time outside”

The 3IN Alliance offers exchanges for students. Find out what Annika’s exchange experience was like in Diak, Finland.

Apply for International Exchange!

Application period for international exchange has opened.

Rector’s greeting in the beginning of a new study year

Diak’s CEO and Rector Elina Juntunen’s greeting for students in the beginning of a new academic year:

Diak’s campuses are closed until 11 April 2021 

Because the corona situation remains alarming in Finland, Diak’s task force on corona situation has decided that campuses remain closed until 11 April 2021. The task force decided earlier that the campuses are closed between 8 and 28 March. According to the update, the campuses will be opened 12 April 2021. 

Report incidents with Incy reporting application

Did you face a problem at internship or was your smart phone stolen at campus? Report incidents to Diak’s administration through observation reporting application Incy!

Covid-19 pandemic decreases the welfare of students – Diak and its partners received funding for developing support and guidance services

The Finnish Ministry of Education and Culture has granted higher education institutions and student unions a funding of six million euros in total for strengthening student welfare, guidance and support. Out of this sum, Diak and its partners have received 808 500 euros in total for improving student welfare services.

Distance teaching continues until the end of spring semester in Diak

Diak’s corona task force has aligned that distance teaching and learning continues in Diak until the end of spring term (30 June 2021). The task force estimates that the covid-19 situation will not improve significantly during the next few months because the vaccinations of the population have started slowly, and the new coronavirus variant has emerged.

Apply for international exchange!

Are you craving for new adventures and experiences? Would you like to improve your language skills and broaden your world view? International student exchange is waiting for you!

Moodle becomes Diakle as of 11 January

The new name of Diak’s learning platform, Diakle, is officially in use as of 11 January 2021.

FSHS is responsible for student health care services as of 1. January 2021: remember to pay the healthcare fee!

From 1 January 2021 onwards, all degree students in higher education, including Diak’s students, will be entitled to use Finnish Student Health Service’s (FSHS), services.