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Career monitoring survey for 2019 graduates starts

What is the employment situation of Diak graduates five years after graduation? Does the knowledge gained from the studies carry over into working life? The nationwide career tracking survey of universities of applied sciences collects information for the development of education and also affects the funding of universities of applied sciences. This year, those who graduated in 2019 will receive the survey.

Career monitoring survey for 2018 graduates starts

The national career monitoring survey is running from 12 October to 12 November 2023. The survey targets alumni who graduated from universities of applied Read more

The career monitoring survey for graduates improves the quality of education – survey for graduates of 2017

What is the employment situation of Diak graduates five years after graduation? Does the knowledge gained from the studies carry over into working life? Read more

Alumni, become a mentor for a Diak student!

We are looking for alumni mentors for Diak’s students. In the mentoring programme, alumnus is mentoring a student by guiding them towards graduation and working life.