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Career planning

You are about to graduate into a profession that can take you into a wide range of jobs. There is a wide range of options. This gives you plenty of scope for personal career reflection and can make career planning a challenging project. Nowadays, a career is built on a variety of jobs and tasks, perhaps even entrepreneurship. The dream job is rarely the same from graduation to retirement and a career can be built up from several different dream jobs. But how do you find the right job for you?

Career planning means consciously considering your own career, your skills, your strengths and your interests. This website contains material to help you plan your career. The aim is to help you find your career path, make choices during your studies that support your career planning and succeed in the job search process.

Career planning webpage has been developed as part of the OTE – Opiskelijat työllistymistä edistävien toimintatapojen kehittäjäksi AMK-henkilöstön rinnalle project.