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Choose path studies

If you choose a complete open UAS semester or year package, this is referred to as path studies.

The registration links to path studies are updated to the semester modules page.

Students who take path studies usually apply to continue as a degree student.

Each year group usually has some spaces reserved for path students. In path studies, the aim is to complete the same courses and work to the same schedule as degree students in the corresponding degree programme.

Full-semester packages last a whole semester and are worth approximately 30 ECTS credits in total.

Full-semester packages are primarily designed for students who intend to apply to a degree programme through the joint application system and would like to begin full-time studies ahead of applying.

Full-year packages last the whole academic year and are worth approximately 60 ECTS credits in total. Full-year packages are primarily intended for students who want to acquire eligibility via open UAS in order to apply to a degree programme through the open UAS direct application process.

There are no prior qualification requirements on full-semester and full-year path packages.

Studying as an open path student

As an open path student you are essentially somewhere between an open UAS student and a degree student.

Open UAS students are not entitled to benefits which are available to full-time students, such as discounts on train or bus tickets or student discounts on meals. If you enrol on a full-semester or a full-year package, you cannot get financial aid (opintotuki) from Kela. You can only get financial aid for open UAS studies if you have the right to pursue a degree in a higher education institution and the studies in question are part of your degree programme.

You can also continue to further path studies after you have completed your current course package. If you wish to take further path studies at open UAS, you can apply to subsequent semesters as an existing open UAS student.

Diak aims to offer further study opportunities for all open UAS students who have made sufficient progress in their first semester or year. Subsequent applications are submitted via the open UAS website.

The application dates will be published separately.

Recognition of prior learning (RPL)

If you have questions about having any prior learning recognised as part of your path studies, you should contact the guidance counsellor at the start of the course.

The actual credit transfer is usually not processed until the path student is admitted to the degree programme.

If you have previously completed courses at another institution and the course contents match some of those in your chosen programme, you may opt to not take these courses at Diak and instead apply for credit transfer through the RPL process.

It may also be possible to accredit informal (experiential) prior learning, depending on the nature of the prior learning (e.g. work experience) and the course in question.

In addition, some study modules may offer alternative modes of study in which prior learning can be useful.

Read more about RPL.

Enrolment on path studies

To enrol, first find a suitable full-semester package from the Diak open UAS offering.

Don’t forget to check the study module location, as the study module offering varies from year to year, and some study modules are not available at all campuses.

Spaces in path studies are allocated on a first-come-first-served basis.

Credit transfers

When you are accepted to a degree programme at Diak, any open UAS studies you have completed can usually be accredited towards the degree.

Credit transfers are subject to the current curriculum and degree regulations.

If these have changed since you took your open UAS studies, your credits may not be fully transferable.

If you have prior learning in subjects which are part of your study package, the actual credit transfers are usually not processed until you are accepted to the degree programme.