Diaconal life in Diversity
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Webinar 8 April 2022. 12–15 EET (Finland), 11–14 CET (Norway).
You are warmly welcome to listen and to share ideas about living together and cultivate diaconal life in diverse communities and local churches.
Plenary presentations
Main values and background of the concept (Conviviality)
Tony Addy
Diaconia working in the context of superdiversity from convivial perspective
Ulla Siirto
Group Discussions
Local Practices
Practical, rural, and local perspective on the topic
Hilde Kirkebøen (Norway)
Shared Table – Space for a convivial economy
Katri Valve (Finland)
The New City-De Niuwe Stad
Hanne Wilzing (Netherlands)
How to participate
The webinar is open for all interested at Zoom:
Meeting ID: 659 0657 8613
Passcode: 555043
Webinar is organized by Diaconia University of Applied Sciences, Diak (Finland) together with the VID Specialized University (Norway) and the Church Council in Finland.