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Clinical practice in the BA programme in Health Care, Nursing

In healthcare, it is possible to complete your clinical practice in a variety of environments. You can complete your clinical practice in, for example:

  • a health-care centre
  • a district or central hospital
  • a university hospital
  • a nursing home
  • health services provided by the private or community sector
  • child welfare or disability care

Clinical practices give you the opportunity to deepen your competence and develop your readiness as a healthcare professional. Clinical practices give you clinical experience while strengthening your professional growth in an authentic healthcare environment.

The objectives of the clinical practice placement are determined by the intended learning outcomes of the study module and contents of the clinical practice as well as the phase of the student’s professional growth.

Read more about the different phases and guidance practices of the clinical practice on the Placement front page. The clinical practice path for nursing is available in Teams (access only for Diak students and staff).

Do notice that placements in health care services might require the students to make sure they have certain vaccinations and adequate protection against infectious diseases before starting the placement. Read the instructions for social and health care students concerning infectious diseases and vaccinations on the FSHS website.

The healthcare clinical practice can also be completed as a module. In module clinical practice, students operate as a team and take care of patients agreed upon in advance. The supervisor will guide the entire team while ensuring basic safety.

Module clinical practice strengthens self-direction, decision-making skills, customer focus, learning from the patient, learning from and teaching peers as well as peer evaluation skills.

Duration of the clinical practice placement and clinical practice paths

The clinical practice path will show you all of the clinical practices included in your studies. The clinical practice path for nursing is available in Teams (access only for Diak students and staff).

The mandatory clinical practices in nursing must be completed in the following areas:

  • general and specialist medicine
  • general and specialist surgery
  • child care and paediatrics
  • mental health and psychiatry
  • care of the old and geriatrics
  • home nursing

Clinical practice forms are available under Forms.

You can also utilise the competence requirements of a registered nurse, which have been linked to on the Assessment page.