Rainbow Flag at Diak’s Helsinki Campus Targeted by Vandalism – “We Will Continue to Raise Our Voice for the Rights of Gender and Sexual Minorities”

Diakonia-ammattikorkeakoulun Helsingin-kampuksen pihan salkoon eilen nostettu sateenkaarilippu on joutunut ilkivallan kohteeksi. Diak liputtaa Helsinki Pride -viikon ajan Helsingin-kampuksella seksuaali- ja sukupuolivähemmistöjen oikeuksien puolesta.
An unknown person cut the flagpole ropes and took the flag shortly after it was raised. A criminal report will be filed for vandalism and theft.
– This act shows that we must raise our voices even louder for the rights of sexual and gender minorities. We will continue to raise the rainbow flag, and this incident motivates us to develop even more diverse ways to display the rainbow symbol. Diak promotes a better world for people regardless of their background. In the world we advocate for, there is no place for any acts that undermine human dignity, says Diak’s CEO, rector Elina Juntunen.
The rainbow flag will be raised again as soon as possible.
- Learn about Diak’s strategy
- Learn about Diak’s equality and accessibility policy.